Industrial Engineering Technology (IND)
IND 103. Industrial Methods. (2 Credits)
Covers theoretical knowledge necessary for familiarization with common hand tools, common power tools, measuring tools and techniques, fastening components and procedures, grinding operations, metal cutting operations, and other miscellaneous tasks. Lecture 2 hours per week. Total 2 hours per week.
IND 165. Principles of Industrial Technology I. (4 Credits)
Introduces principle concepts of technology involving mechanical, fluid, electrical, and thermal power as they relate to force, work, and rate. Lecture 3 hours per week. Laboratory 2 hours per week. Total 5 hours per week.
IND 166. Principles of Industrial Technology II. (4 Credits)
Introduces principle concepts of technology involving mechanical, fluid, electrical, and thermal power as they relate to resistance, energy, power, and force transformers. Places an emphasis on mechanical and advantage systems. Lecture 3 hours. Laboratory 2 hours per week. Total 5 hours per week. Prerequisite: IND 165.
IND 181. World Class Manufacturing I. (3 Credits)
Studies the principles and applications of the globalization of industry. Emphasizes the fundamentals of interpersonal/team process, organization skills, total quality tools for continuous improvement, statistical process control, manufacturing resource planning and just-in-time. Lecture 3 hours per week. Total 3 hours per week.
IND 251. Automated Manufacturing Systems I. (3 Credits)
Presents basic principles used in the design and implementation in manufacturing work cells. Includes selection of the robot system, worksite, application cell sensors, development of cycle times, and economic analysis. Lecture 2 hours per week. Laboratory 2 hours per week. Total 4 hours per week. Prerequisite: divisional approval.