Mental Health (MEN)
MEN 101. Mental Health Skill Training I. (3 Credits)
Develops skills necessary to function as a mental health worker, with emphasis on guided practice in counseling skills as well as improved self-awareness. Includes training in problem solving, goal-setting, and implementation of appropriate strategies and evaluation techniques relating to interaction involving a variety of client needs. Lecture 3 hours per week. Total 3 hours per week. Prerequisite: HMS 100.
MEN 225. Counseling Therapy. (3 Credits)
Studies various models of counseling theories and appropriate application of counseling techniques in the helping profession. Lecture 3 hours per week. Total 3 hours per week. Prerequisites: HMS 100 and MEN 101.
MEN 290. Coord Pract: Mental Health/Human Service. (4 Credits)
Supervises on-the-job training in selected business, industrial or service firms coordinated by the college. Credit/practice ratio not to exceed 1:5 hours. May be repeated for credit. Variable hours. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.