Parking and Traffic

Adequate parking space is provided free of charge for students and a limited number of spaces are reserved for visitors, handicapped individuals, and staff. The number of pedestrians and the crowded nature of the parking lots make low speed and careful driving a necessity. The speed limit on campus is 15 miles per hour on roadways, except where posted, and 5 miles per hour in parking lots.

Student parking is permitted in any marked paved space intended for that purpose and not otherwise restricted. Special parking is available to handicapped individuals whose vehicles display the appropriate state permits or license plates. Applications for handicapped plates should be made through the Department of Motor Vehicles. Campus parking permits can be obtained from the Public Safety Office in G167 in Houff Student Center. Parking violations are subject to a monetary fine. Students with unpaid fines will not receive transcripts, grades or be permitted to register for the next semester.  Students who wish to appeal a fine should contact the Public Safety Office, located in the Houff Student Center. Vehicles parked illegally are also subject to towing or having devices applied to the vehicle to preclude movement (i.e. being “booted”). Such devices will not be removed before payment of outstanding fines. For further information see the Blue Ridge Community College booklet “Parking and Traffic Regulations,” available in the Houff Center lobby Public Safety Office and online at If students, faculty, or staff have questions or concerns regarding parking, parking permits, or availability of parking they should contact the Public Safety Officer at 540-453-2370 during open hours. The Public Safety Officer will provide parking information or assistance with temporary permits.

Law enforcement and crash reporting are the responsibility of the Campus Police Department and local law enforcement agencies which provide the same services to the community at large. Minor vehicle crashes in the College parking lots are generally not serviced by the local law enforcement agencies unless a law has been broken. While the Public Safety Department will assist in minor crashes, they are ultimately resolved by the individuals and their insurance companies.

Identification Cards

Student identification cards are available to students enrolled in college credit courses; identification cards may be obtained through the Public Safety Office. All students should obtain an identification card as various services will be linked to the ID card (Library, Testing Center, Rec Center, BRCC Shuttle, Parking, etc.). If the ID card is lost or stolen, immediately report this to Public Safety for replacement.