Workplace Violence Prevention and Threat Assessment Policy Guidelines per Virginia Community College System Policy 3.14.5

VCCS Policy 3.14.5

Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the development of a College/System Office policy for the prevention of workplace and general campus violence. It includes the formation of campus Threat Assessment Teams and the promotion and maintenance of a productive environment for learning and working that is free from threats, intimidation, and violence. Coverage: These policy guidelines will apply to all faculty, staff, students, visitors, contractors, and other third parties. Students may be covered under additional provisions of their respective college’s Student Handbook. Policy Components

  1. Definitions:
    Workplace: Any location, either permanent or temporary, where an employee performs any work-related duty. This includes, but is not limited to, the buildings and the surrounding perimeters, including the parking lots, field locations, alternate work locations (other than an individual’s home when telecommuting), and travel to and from work assignments.

    Workplace Violence: Any physical assault or threatening behavior occurring in the workplace by employees, students, or third parties. It includes, but is not limited to, beating, stabbing, suicide, shooting, rape, attempted suicide, psychological trauma such as threats, obscene phone calls, intentionally damaging property, an intimidating presence which makes a reasonable person apprehensive of imminent harm, and harassment of any nature such as stalking, shouting so as to cause a disruption, swearing or committing injurious acts motivated by, or related to, domestic violence or sexual harassment.

    Third Parties: Individuals who are not state employees, such as relatives, acquaintances, strangers, contractors, or visitors.
  2. The colleges/system office prohibits threats and acts of violence on college property, within college/system office facilities, at any college/system office-sponsored event; while engaged in college/system office business, educational, or athletic activities; and while traveling in state vehicles. Prohibited conduct includes but is not limited to:
    • injuring another person physically;
    • engaging in behavior that creates a reasonable fear of injury to self or another person;
    • engaging in behavior that would subject a reasonable person to, and does subject another individual to, extreme emotional distress; · possessing, brandishing, or using a weapon while on state premises by students, except where possession is a result of participation in an organized and scheduled instructional exercise for a course, or where the student is a law enforcement professional, or when the weapon is secured in the students vehicle;
    • possessing, brandishing, or using a firearm, weapon, or other device by faculty or staff that is not required by the individuals position while on college/system office property or engaged in college/system office business; or in violation of law or other college/system office policy, except where the employee is a law enforcement professional, and except when the weapon is secured in the employees vehicle.;
    •  Brandishing, using, or possessing a weapon by third parties while on campus in academic or administrative buildings, or while attending a sporting, entertainment or educational event. This provision does not apply to law enforcement personnel.
    • intentionally damaging property;
    • threatening to injure an individual (including oneself) or to damage property;
    • committing injurious acts motivated by, or related to, domestic violence or sexual harassment; and
    • retaliating against any employee or student who, in good faith, reports a violation of this policy.
  3. Consequences of Policy Violations:
    1. Employees violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination and criminal prosecution using existing policies and procedures including Section 3 of the VCCS Policy Manual or DHRM Policy 1.60, Standards of Conduct. Additionally, employees who are identified as engaging in the use of threatening language or behavior may be required, as a condition of continued employment, to participate in a mental health evaluation as part of a threat assessment process, and receive approval from the mental health evaluator that they are not a risk to themselves or others.
    2.  Students violating this policy will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in their respective college’s Student Handbook, and other college policies as appropriate. Additionally, students who are identified as engaging in the use of threatening language or behavior may be required, as a condition of continued enrollment, to participate in a mental health evaluation as part of a threat assessment process, and receive approval from the mental health evaluator that they are not a risk to themselves or others.
    3.  Visitors and third parties violating this policy will be subject to applicable local, state, federal laws, and associated regulations, and may be barred from the college/System Office at the college’s/System Office’s discretion for violating this policy.